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Preview: OpenSecurity at the D.A.CH 2014 Conference

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On September 16 the OpenSecurity Team will present a paper on Security by Isolation Principles in Public Administration at the D.A.CH. Security Conference 2014 in Graz.

OpenSecurity protects users against potentially harmful internet resources and malware on USB removable storage devices as well as the unintentional disclosure of confidential information. With OpenSecurity each computer of an organisation is prevented from exchanging data in an uncontrolled manner. By means of virtualisation the system is extended with separate isolated subsystems – e.g. for safe internet-browsing, or accessing data on removable storage devices.

Figure 1: Secure Web Browsing


Figure 2: Secure USB

As a result, even if a virus is not detected by antivirus software the malware remains enclosed within OpenSecurity‘s isolated virtual machines, and due to the short lifecycles of the orchestrated disposable virtual machines, any malware is quickly disposed of. These features are important for public administration in particular, as these organisations often manage private citizen data. OpenSecurity users profit from the possibility to work safely with resources from unsafe networks within their institutional environment. OpenSecurity is an open source solution, which allows a smooth transfer and migration of single use cases on a large scale during business. Any application in standard subsystems can be transferred and run independently of the operating system – and therefore safely.

Link to the D.A.CH. Security Conference

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« September 2024 »

Open Security
